- K. Chmielewski, M. Oliwa, R. Ostrowski, W. Skrzeczanowski, A. Tomkowska, LIBS, Raman spectroscopy and optical microscopy analyses of superficial encrustations on ancient tesserae in Lebanon, Międzynarodowa konferencja Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers SPIE. Optical Metrology, Monachium, Maj 2017.
- K. Chmielewski, Polish conservators in Lebanon. Education of conservators of works of art in Poland, konferencja: 20 years of Polish – Lebanese Cooperation on Archeology and Conservation, Institute Francais du Proche-Orient, Beirut, 20 wrzesień 2016.
- K. Chmielewski, The significance of practice in the training of conservator-restorers at the Faculty of Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art, Teaching Conservation-Restoration ENCoRE Conference, Liege, March 26, 2014
- K. Chmielewski, Selected issues in conservation of wall paintings in Lebanon, Contribution de la cooperation polonaise á la conservation du patrimoine libanais, Institut Francais du Proche-Orient Beyrouth, 11 wrzesień 2014.
- K. Chmielewski, The Heritage Protection in Poland, wykład wygłoszony na Uniwersytecie Chilijskim w Santiago de Chile, 28 maja 2012.
- K. Chmielewski, The wall paintings in Kaftoun - uncovering, conservation, technology, referat na seminarium poświęconym klasztorowi i malowidłom w Kaftoun zorganizowanym w Netherlands Institute w Bejrucie: Kaftun and its Wall Paintings. Toward publication. International Workshop, Netherlands Institute, Bejrut, 27 wrzesień 2011.
- J. Żelazowski, K. Chmielewski, La decorazione pittorica nelle case di Cirenaica nel II-III sec. d.C.: continuità e trasformazione, XI. Internationales Kolloquium der AIPMA, 13.-17. September 2010 in Ephesos: Antike Malerei - zwischen Lokalstil und Zeitstil ?
- E. Jeżewska, K. Chmielewski, Consolidation, stabilisation and reinforcement of polychromed wooden artefacts in Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts, Faculty of Conservation and Restoration, COST action WoodCultHer COST ACTION IE0601, Prague 30-31 March 2009.
- K. Chmielewski, Ancient Mosaics in Ptolemais (Libya). Discover, conservation, Maintenance., papers on The 10th Conference of The international Committee for The Conservation of Mosaics. Conservation an Act of Discovery, Palermo, October 20-26, 2008
- K. Chmielewski, Conservation of byzantine floor mosaics from Shhim in Lebanon. Technic and aesthetic problems, present state and prospects in the future, VIIIth Conference of the International Committee for the Conservation of Mosaics (ICCM), Thessaloniki 29 October – 3 November 2002